
    Welcome to Gnomeo's comprehensive educational programs in food and beverage production and food and beverage service. Whether you're a aspiring culinary professional or looking to enhance your hospitality skills, our courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge and hands-on experience you need to succeed.The food and beverage service program at Gnomio focuses on developing the essential skills required to provide exceptional customer experiences in the hospitality industry

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    Phone: 0757451450
    Email: sayodaisy8@gmail.com
    Website: sayodaisy.gnomio.com

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Available courses

This course is intended to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills and attitude to effectively perform supervisory or management duties in a food and beverage production establishment.
The trainee will be involved in all aspects of food production. He/she will employ both mental and physical abilities in conjunction with available resources so as to acquire the desired skills.

This course is intended to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills and attitudes, which will enable him/her to maintain high standards of food and beverage service and sales within the hospitality industry.
The trainee will be involved in all aspects of food and beverage service and sales. He/she will employ both mental and physical abilities in conjunction with the available resources to achieve the desired goals.